Saturday, July 28, 2012

So yesterday I posted this:
I feel I should clarify my intentions. I have no problem with people who drive, barring using an SUV (any car really) to run to the corner store. Cars are useful tools, and like any tool the benefits or harm come from how you utilize them. Me, I ride a bike or walk, but I really want an old Caddy (El Dorado or Coupe de Ville if anybody's offering).The reason I posted the meme above is this- We tend to, all of us, jump happily into the path of least resistance. Everybody else hate's something that I also hate? Well sign me up. It's the new bnadwagoneering, viral political slacktivism. Now here's the really funny part- Half of the people I know harbor homophobic sentiments. Do I really give a shit if some guy who owns a company that serves poisonous shit pawned off as food thinks about anything? No. Do I care that the people I know and love seem incapable at times of confronting their own demons? Hell yes. We, all of us need to work on ourselves and our community first. That should take up most of our free time for the next few decades. And in the process of doing this we will, without even meaning to, make the world around us better. If you want to be mad at Chick-Fil-A, then get it right. Hate them for poisoning our children (collectively), for treating their employees like shit, and for their incredibly irritating as campaigns.That said, go drive your car to the local market, buy some good food, and go home and cook it up with your friends and family. And talk to each other about all and everything that you feel and think, both good and bad.Love you all. Be well.Yours, truly, Mister Doctor (Uncle) Greenteeth.