Monday, January 30, 2012

Things I talk to my dog about, or the sort of stuff I'm thinking about when we're talking about the weather...

 Broadcasting as the seeding of ideas, proper gander, music- these seeds acting as either
(1)nourishing plants (?) i.e. symbiotic= they need a place in which to grow and the host benefits from the information`the two growing together once the seed has taken hold, and then the host re- disseminates the info with additions, amendments, brand new tangents and completely new ideas inspired maybe not so much from the original idea but the process of idea working now within the host.
  1. or as a virus, eating away at the idea centers of the host, the creativity {soul} and such, destroying all but the shell of intellect, leaving enough knee jerk motor function left for re-dissemination of the idea. Ideas of this sort (viral) are generally watered down versions of better {more creative, purer} ideas. They act also as a sort of anti-vaccine, <<<<but not in the way of strengthening defenses of the host but rather weakening the natural defenses of the host against BAD ideas>>> this must be started early on to ensure full effect. Zombification of the mind, brain, soul.
  2. Broadcasting is very strong effective method of planting ideas. It can be set to passive mode slipping past normal filters as background noise, or more directed, genetically designed as it were, to attack certain naturally weak centers of the mind -sex, ego, desire for happiness, religion- working through false promise, opiate effect, the old look at this shiny object hypnotism.... side show trickery and [pop] psychology {same thing, no?}.

*on (2) image of empty shell cracking open and the virus spilling forth = mouth opening and uniformed ignorant streams of shit pouring forth,blah blah blah, but with full conviction that the host is speaking truths of a religious order. GOD for the godless, we have with freddy's directions sent god to his grave and propped in his place science media government (government as we view it from our place in the scheme is all media anyways and one way media at that radio TV no chance to interact or affect( even though the illusion is set up of interaction through voting protest Internet ramblings it is in fact a closed loop (humans as matrix like batteries to keep the machinery well juiced:we stay juiced too, booze, fucking, drugs, appearance of power individuality )))))))))))

Real ideas (regardless of any morality (morality all is phony)) have a hard enough time under normal conditions {what the fuck does that MEAN?? normal} but in competition with the utter fucking deluge of shit it finds harder footholds. Also as shit ideas are wrapped in the clothing of better ones it becomes more difficult for the host to differentiate. Shit is eaten as nutrition, the body believes it is being properly fed and no longer hungers for good nutrition (real thought).

*on Morality all is phony== the assumption that OUR beliefs and belief systems are right, superior to others is fatuous , arrogant, and in general harmful to the formation of new thought. Think back on how many truths!! you have abandoned or refined thus far. Think of the infinity of possible arrangements of all of the matter and energy in just your toe. Can you truly believe that you have found the most accurate map?? If in the end it turned out you were wrong all along, wouldn't that be a shame? Concentrate on just not being a fuckhead (try not to hurt other people), let the rest sort itself out. Also affect what you can and do not waste energy on what you cannot. Why worry about things that you have no chance of changing. This goes for weather as well as world politics .. Life is short, live it.

And so on etc blahbalahablah

Broad casting is everything that is done to relay information- not limited to large scale operations like tv, interweb, radio books music.... every time you open your mouth and some one hears you. Paintings.
Stupid blogs.

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