Monday, February 20, 2012

Death of a Clown (picture unrelated) And Some Residents ('cause why not?)

     Once upon a time there was a winter that would end all winters. No other season could ever be this barren, this silent, this lonesome. The cough that had settled in his lungs stole his breath and he could not walk from his bed to the bathroom without stalling in the hallway for air. The house had almost no furniture in it. Any sound that found it's way in would echo around the rooms for a long while before finding some unused corner to settle into and wait for some inopportune moment to jump out and scare him while he tried quietly to get up the nerve to walk outside and check the mail for the news of his reprieve. Even on Sunday he checked that mailbox, the loneliest man in the world hoping God had finally called him home. The mailman became a lover to him in his mind, and his most hated enemy.
      The letter he was hoping to receive was not a specific note from a specific someone. Just a letter from out there where he had burned all of his bridges asking him to return, to help repair the damage that the world had wrapped around itself since he had last had words with it. He just wanted to be asked. Instead, he waited alone in his house and watched the sun creep shallow angles across the wall, never staying long enough to warm the air before retreating below the horizon again.
    Standing in the middle of the room trying to move his hands and mouth in perfect time with the crossroad blues coming out of the only speaker that hadn't been completely blown out in the screaming days. Swaying in the drunks clown walk, tilting almost perpendicular to the plane of the floor (not an easy task in a crooked house) then around, balanced on one leg to shuffle step sideways, never missing a beat. Later on he would practice a hobo strip tease to Sharp Dressed Man, still keeping the drunk in his limbs, following the clothes as he pulled them off with movements that always seemed on the verge of collapse but magically resolved themselves into balletic accidental grace. Elements of the old Rat on stage in the back of his mind kept it just dirty enough to be sexy- Ratty pistoning the whole piano back and forth with his legs, arms out and SERMONIZING his songs; the piano falling over on it's back as he stepped lightly to the floor. Destruction and beauty in one simple movement.
     The urge to create is a destructive urge. He knew this too well. It disassembles reality and sets up a chaos in it's place. Thoughts tumbling through one another with out care for rule of law. Whole universes blown away with the sweep of a pen and new ones thrown up in their place, only to fall themselves at the whimsy of the devils of creation. And why? Just to make room for the endlessness of dream. Dream which cares for nothing and abhors permanence. The unending flux that only leads to confusion and misdirection. The constant tossing between one world and the next that unchecked eventually unbalances the mind altogether.
     If one wanted to make a new beauty in the world, he would need to tear the old ones apart to gather the raw materials needed. How far could this be taken? At what point would he too broken to be put back together? All the kings horses and all the kings men were drunk in the bar and not a bit interested in what one bad egg was doing in that witches shack he called a home. Care would have to be taken. It was certainly not being given.
    He often to forget to eat or to use the bathroom, sometimes for days. Shouldn't this be a sign? His mind running in circles like a long gone dog playing with itself and forgetting all else. It sits inside of itself and creates while the body falls to pieces.

     He would do long convoluted math problems on the walls of his room with an old grease pencil he had found in his pocket one morning after some horrible three day binge of sleeping in the backs of pickup trucks and on abandoned porches who's house had long ago fallen away as a way of making the time go by.
     He was fascinated by numbers and would kiss the clock every time an interesting pattern would show on it's face- important dates in his life, numerical palindromes, random combinations that appealed to him for no reason he could fathom. Eleven-oh-one was a lucky time to wake up, one one zero one being 13 as expressed in binary, or one-oh-one which was five, an important number in his life. He would add together the digits of any number he came across to reduce them to a single digit to decide if it was lucky or not and would sometimes have to sit staring at the clock for a minute or three before doing anything to be able to start on a three or a five or a nine. Sixes were very bad, sevens somewhat less so depending on his mood, as were eights. Fours and twos could be neutral or unlucky, but never good. Ones were always evil, which could sully the joy of seeing eleven-eleven on the clock. It was a numerical palindrome which was good. But it also added up to four which could go either way, and it was a string of ones each one upsetting him more than the last. And then, it translated as 15 in binary, which was three times five and therefor good, but also reduced to six which was terrible. The whole thing confused him horribly and he would get unsettled if he happened to glance at the clock at that minute and fidget and mumble until a more propitious number came into view.
     All this damned waiting. And for what? Waiting to figure this part out so he could get back to the very serious business of slowly drinking himself to death in some anonymous bar back down in New Orleans.  

~Click On the thing that says The Residents to download some Residents~

Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Dreams I Had Last (Now with more words!)

    The dreams I had last night seem to have lodged themselves in my lower back. I cannot stand up straight. My head is listing to one side. It pulls me around the apartment in circles while I try to make coffee. The thought of going outside is unbearable, but the dog has that look on his face that reminds me how long it's been. And now the radio has begun it's daily attack- song after song piled up before me to call my faults and losses into the light.
     I spent the last two hours in bed striving to stay in that liminal zone between this world and the other. The place of no roads, and all roads, skipping over and through each other suggesting solutions to the problems that plague my waking hours. If I could grab the end of the threads, even just one, and pull it through with me when my body finally forces me above the waves to tend to the idiot drives of the flesh. Piss, shit, coffee, masturbation, food.
     Could I find some drug that would let me stay down there just below the ocean, watching the light from this world filter down softly in green and blues? I know of some. But the side affects are all the same. They will hold you there, half buoyant, for a while. But then of course the drug itself demands renewal, and demands it of the flesh, so ejects me from the sea to tend again to the processes, the dull algorithms of living.
      I light a cigarette and stare out the half open curtains for a while. So this is loneliness?

     I've already seen, and too many times, how the pain we have caused is returned to us. The sorrow and sadness we have given to those we love, out of selfishness or stupidity, come around again to hang like a stone from our necks where tender arms should reside. I know this part to the ends of knowing.
     But when does the compassion come back to us? All of our tenderest loving kisses; every time we have sat and listened, absorbing someone's regret so that they may stand up and shake off their blue minded fears of death without redemption. When does all of this come back to us? Will these moments ever be wrapped again and re gifted, delivered to our doorsteps in the night while we shiver alone in our memories of days when there was a sun in the sky that was not a mocking laughter, a sneering reminder that we are lost now, and have most likely never ever been found?
     It's these thoughts now in endless streaming chains that dance like hurricanes in my brain, my eyes pulled up against the too much light of the day. Colors so strong they render me deaf and dumb. I can see the ground slide away beneath my feet but I can not stop moving forwards into this decline. How full of my own stupid pain I must be to think that it matters. Cry for me world! See me on my cross and care! Oh, pull me down and see to my bruised heart with the love of a lapidary smoothing rough stones into precious gems. Fuck. Yes indeed, lovers, this is loneliness. And worse that, it is lonesome too.
     There is no going away anymore. The road is over and this is where will stay. My exile on Main Street, across a too-high bridge. The bridge that brought me to this town by merit of being the place from which my brother stepped out of this world, swinging above the evening breeze and forgetting everything.
     The cold outside has crept into the house. There's no firewood in here, and I'm too unsettled to go down to the porch to cut any.
    The guitar remains untuned, crooked against the unpainted wall of my room. I stare at it and it stares at me, but we have nothing anymore to say to one another. Instead I sing tuneless words into the air and watch them fade beneath the bare bulb, the dripping sink a metronome, the wheezing in my lungs a barroom piano lurching in and out of imagined conversations. I am practicing, you see, for my big return.
    The thought of dying does not bother me. It's the thought of dying alone.

Friday, February 17, 2012

The Dreams I Had Last... opening Fragment.....


    The dreams I had last night seem to have lodged themselves in my lower back. I cannot stand up straight. My head is listing to one side. It pulls me around the apartment in circles while I try to make coffee. The thought of going outside is unbearable, but the dog has that look on his face that reminds me how long it's been. And now the radio has begun it's daily attack- song after song piled up before me to call my faults and losses into the light.

    I spent the last two hours in bed striving to stay in that liminal zone between this world and the other. The place of no roads, and all roads, skipping over and through each other suggesting solutions to the problems that plague my waking hours. If I could grab the ends  of those threads, even just one, and pull it through with me when my body finally forces me above the waves to tend to the idiot drives of the flesh. Piss, shit, coffee, masturbation, food.
    Could I find some drug that would let me stay down there just below the ocean, watching the light from this world filter down softly in green and blues? I know of some. But the side affects are all the same. They will hold you there, half buoyant, for a while. But then of course the drug itself demands renewal, and demands it of the flesh, so ejects me from the sea to tend again to the processes, the dull algorithms of living.
     I light a cigarette and stare out the half open curtains for a while. So this is loneliness?

~MUSIC OF THE DAY!~ {dowload by clicking on the name o' the Album}
Trojan RockSteady Rarities

Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Time of the Truncheon (2nd draft) }and the soundtrack to Annie(the movie){

     The truncheon of time is beating, down like a drum, the hours since I left.
  This the only enemy will neither gather nor sow the possible escapes,
     only watch 
        and count backwards towards the last.
 Heading always fowards, but with my face turned into our shared past, I will not fret the coming death,
           one more now lined before the others,
a life of deaths,
    and every death springing again to my death of love
       - the grave that wants us all.
 No song can sing this leaving, no line or second measure it's fall.

  The truncheon of time is now lost love and will hammer a remembrance to me, the soul that once junked it's miseries
     and plundered lies to hopeful days is faded in bottles to the New Orleans sun; never ending, without time, always set against the four directions
        i'm leaving again to come back home.

        The truncheon of time will form up at the river's bend and sprout a crescent wave on the sunken city,
 a parade drum to honor,
   a long fog to cover,
      a striving to not be just am,
and I worry to see you under the paint of bar light and juke song.

The time of the truncheon is at our hand, and we destroy with clarity the
  edges of dreaming,
     I wish and I'll wander to guess your name
like jelicho cats,
   the one who nobody knows but I've seen sometimes,
some time ago in the leaving brought to me and you.

More on George...

A short happy life is certainly better than a long, unhappy one. But what about a life that hasn't been going on very long (though it feels that way sometimes) and possibly could keep going on for at least as long again, that is constantly being thrown between ecstatic highs and mind tearing lows with no sign of ever leveling out? Where the hell does that sit in the equation?
This is what's rumbling through the back ends of George's skull as he pokes at the double shot of whiskey on the bar in front of him. He's not really trying to figure out the answer, it's just a fun little exercise, something to keep him amused while he waits for enough of the whiskey t get into his system where he doesn't have to think about anything at all, at least not consciously.
George has learned to keep these sort of musings to himfuckingself because nobody wants to hear that kind of shit- nobody even wants to think about a bunch of depressing crap like that. He learned this by having it told to him over and over again by everyone from random assholes in the bar to women who he could have sworn were in love with him, and probably would have continued to feel for him if he hadn't turned out to be so needy and bat shit crazy to boot. Very little of went on outside of George's head ever made sense to him. Most of the stuff that was going on all the time on the inside didn't really make sense either, but he felt he at least had a fighting chance with that stuff. A mile in someone else's shoes was something George was always attempting and failing. He wanted to understand other people (especially the women) and to some extent he did, if only by blind instinct. But he could never get other people to see what he was looking at when he looked out at the world. This always led to a massive breakdown in communication with George realizing that what he thought the other person was thinking was not what they were actually thinking.