Thursday, July 21, 2011

Free Drugs, the Movie (aka Exuma Has a Sore Throat.)

Ø This is dedicated for Papa Legba, Opener of Doors, Lord of the Crossroads Ø

This is what it feel like inside my head. This is why I don't sleep, and when I do sleep this is what plays between my dreams. My dreams are long stories. I send myself back down again, over and over, trying to see the end, and when I wake I'm sorry for being back from that other world.

My recommendation for this little video is to watch it top volume (headphones if you've got 'em), full screen and with the lights out. It's more fun than it looks.
 (Thanks to Miss Belle for showing me how to do these animations.)

Todays music (songs with an asterisk are in the movie):

Exuma- Exuma I
  1. Exuma, The Obeah Man
  2. Dambala
  3. Mama Loi, Papa Loi
  4. Junkanoo
  5. Seance in The Sixth Fret*
  6. You Don't Know What's Going On*
  7. The Vision
Sore Throat- Disgrace to the Corpse of Sid
  1. Different Sides... (90 tracks)*
  2. Different Sides... Of the Same Coin
  3. Famine
  4. Pride
  5. Chapel of Ghouls
  6. Desire (Peniside)
  7. Truth
  8. The Enemy Within
  9. Prisoner
  10. Living Hell
  11. The Ballad of Mad Micky
  12. Hsarht Drawkcab

Todays reading list:

  1. Comte de Lautreamont-  Maldoror
  2. Doctor Suess- One Fish, Two Fish...
  3. Nelson Algren- A Walk on the Wild Side 

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