Sunday, July 17, 2011

MIssing Foundation- 1933

Missing Foundation: 1933 & Demise-

Missing Foundation- 1933

side 1:
1.  Kingsland 61
2. Burn Trees
3. Invasion of Your Privacy
4. Go Sit on the Beach
5. Death of a Wolf
6. At the Gates
7. Journey from the Ashes

side 2:
8. Jameel's Turmoil
9. Your House is Mine
10. Martyr of the City
11. Message from Hell
12. C.I.A. World's Fair
13. 1933

MF 1933

Missing Foundation- Demise

side 1:
1. A hunting We Will Go
2. Humanity
3. 292 CC
4. Hate
5. When Right Was Wrong

side 2:
6. Liberty Under Siege
7. Pistol Archive
8. VKP
9. Conspiracy
10. Demise

MF- Demise

        The true sound of fighting in the streets. These guys actually did it(along with many others). Pete Missing would regularly wander about the neighborhood (LES, NYC) destroying property, blowing shit up, and generally causing an incredibly unwelcome and unsafe environment for anyone who sought to take strip the citizens of the city of their basic rights- housing, freedom, liberty. Look up the word liberty in Webster's. It says, "The state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life, behavior, or political views."  Now say the pledge of allegiance. What that pays lip service to, Missing Foundation and hundreds of others payed in blood. Fighting for our rights. Not the ones the government says we have, but the ones we take because they are ours.
         The song Burn Trees refers to a practice of dousing in gasoline and setting ablaze the pretty little saplings developers would have planted in front of the gentrified condos and apartments that they were trying to rent to the yuppies who were so desperate to move into the "cool" Lower East Side neighborhood, that they would pay outrageous rents thereby pushing out more and more poor and working class locals.
      This band made it onto every wanted list from the FBI on down for such fun activities as inciting to riot, mayhem, destruction of  property and just good old fashioned domestic terrorism. There were many of us who would have countered that the tactics used by the City of New York and the ever professional NYPD were the true acts of terror. Just watch the videos of the 1988 riots in Tompkins Square Park. Or read any newspaper article from the late 80's~early 90's about the police in New York, the treatment of the homeless, the push to clear New York of all it's poor huddled masses from the prime real estate on which they huddled. Or just listen to the opening track from Demise. The intro to A Hunting We Will Go is a real live recording from the '88 riot.  If you listen closely, you can hear the sound of New York's Finest beating the shit out of unarmed people for speaking their minds and refusing to cow to bullying.  And yes that is a helicopter you hear descending over the melee. What better use of city money in a time when poverty and homelessness was rampant throughout the town. And though you can't hear them there were snipers on the roof tops surrounding the park. Liberty under siege, your government is fucking you.
     The title of 1933 was meant as a reminder that history repeats itself. The graffiti that went up in the neighborhood was "1933=1988". And it's still happening today. Same shit, different bosses. Democrat or Republican their one job is to keep you fucked. Your job, if you listen to them, is to stay fucked and thank them for it. Or if you listen to MF, your job is live your own life however you see fit. Which one would you choose?
      In the end, if you go down to Avenue C these days, you may conclude that the battle for the city was lost. Indeed there is almost nothing to say that there was ever a war at all. But for everyone in New York, or anywhere else, who is feeling just a little bit pissed off at being fucked by your government this music may just inspire a little action. Here's to hope. After all, we may have lost the war, but we had a hell of a lot of fun fighting it. And those of us who survived came out with that most precious of all realizations- that no one has any control of you that you do not give them. 
                                                             The Party's Just Begun.
More fun music and self righteous rants to come! Send requests for any music you'd like posted. RTFW!

[{RIP-JP and Jamie Toulon}]

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